UK has cut back on environmental enforcement

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    There is an enforcement gap in the UK according to Unchecked which is a new UK organisation studying the erosion of regulation in the UK and its enforcement. 

    Their research shows that years of cuts to the budgets of UK local and national regulators have resulted in huge declines in staffing. From 2009/10 to 2017/18, the budgets of major regulators fell by over 50% in real terms and the number of staff has plummeted by around 30%. For example, the UK Environment Agency experienced a real-terms reduction of over 60%.

    As a consequence, many watchdogs may no longer have the tools to carry out their responsibilities. Enforcement activities such as inspections, sampling and prosecutions have fallen sharply. From 2009-18, the number of water pollution samples taken by the Environment Agency fell by a third. Their workload has been further increased by preparing for Brexit. Unchecked thinks this situation, unless properly addressed, has the potential to undermine the vital protections in different areas, including environment.

    Unchecked website
    Unchecked, briefing on the UK’s enforcement gap

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