UK’s trade negotiation objectives: a shift towards US’ risk-based approach

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    The UK might pivot to a risk-based approach, according to a briefing by the Trade Justice Movement (a UK coalition of sixty civil society organisations). This is specific to US regulations and contrary to the EU’s precautionary principle. The briefing compares the UK’s negotiation objectives with the EU and US and points to important differences between the two. On environmental policy, it shows the UK is short on detail and enforceability in both of the negotiation mandates. None mentions the Paris Agreement, although the US one points to the net-zero target and the need for a dispute settlement to ensure enforceability (which is specifically excluded in the EU mandate). Including such reference can be considered encouraging according to Trade Justice Movement, as the US negotiators asked for climate change not to be included in the deal (revealed in leaked papers last year). 

    Trade Justice Movement’s report
    UK negotiation mandate with the EU
    UK negotiation mandate with the US

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