UK’s deficient REACH replica

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    The Draft Statutory Instrument (SI) serves to replicate the EU REACH regulation and was laid before the UK Parliament on 5 February, being scheduled for debate this month.

    However, stakeholders have highlighted a number of concerns about the SI. Steve Elliot, the head of UK’s Chemical Industries Association (CIA), noted there are some “unresolved” issues that raise major complications for UK firms representing non-EU companies that import to the EU. There are negative competitive consequences for UK importers as well. Further, there is no provision to allow for information exchange forums, which would have enabled companies to avoid duplicating tests. Finally, Michael Warhurst, representing CHEM Trust, highlighted the lack of commitment to mirror EU decisions on hazardous chemicals and the heavily reduced opportunities for stakeholders’ participation.

    Chemical Watch on industry criticism
    CHEM Trust on the Draft Statutory Instrument

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