No reason to celebrate 2020 target achievement

    150 150 Almut Bonhage

    The EEA “Trends and Projections 2021” report published earlier this week concludes that all three energy and climate targets for 2020 are achieved. Are they really?

    2020 was a very warm winter, and the Covid crisis reduced economic activity considerably. And weather and activity are strong drivers for energy consumption.

    The decoupling graph provided by Stefan Scheuer Consulting clearly shows this relation. 2020 FEC and PEC estimates by EEA are put in relation to heating degree days and GDP.

    “The decrease in energy demand for 2020 is not a result of an increase in energy efficiency, but a sad accident,” says Stefan Scheuer. “These figures should not distract us from the fact that we are failing to take serious energy efficiency measures.”

    Estimates for 2021 by IEA show that energy demand comes back with economic recovery.

    Improving the legislation on energy efficiency, and in particular the target governance and enforcement mechanism, is more urgent than ever. Stefan Scheuer Consulting has published an assessment of the Fit for 55 package earlier this month, with recommendations how to ensure target achievement in the future.

    Full size graphic FEC/PEC in relation to GDP and heating degree days 2020

    Source: EEA and Eurostat

    Link EEA Trend report

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